Monday, November 11, 2013

Response to Persepolis: Michelle's Blog

       Me and my avatar are no strangers to Revolution. We grew up in different eras, yet we share this in common. He was a part of the African American and Muslim civil rights revolution that occurred in America. I, on the other hand, witnessed a revolution through social media. I would get phone calls from family members in Libya who would describe their shootouts with mercenaries. I heard about all sorts of things during the Libyan revolution. After it was over, my dad went to his home country for the first time in 35 years and I visited for the first time ever. I saw people who had been oppressed by a dictator for over 40 years and have finally found freedom for the first time. This was all because of a Revolution.
      In Persepolis, Marjane speaks of oppression all the time, the Iranian people had a revolution(Islamic), but this brought more oppression. They were in need of another.  The dictionary describes a revolution in 2 different definitions. One definition is "a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence." Another definition is "an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed." The latter describes the revolutions in Libya and in Persepolis. The former could be used to describe the revolution that Malcolm X was a part of in America. Who would've thought that Malcolm X, Marjane, and I could have so much in common through revolution? 
 Me: Malcolm, you think we have a lot in common? 
X: You're just a young-minded child who still has a lot to learn 
Me: Well, isn't that what you were before you became a leader? 
X: hmmmmm... good point, maybe we do have something in common.

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