Monday, November 18, 2013

Walking Around

Walking Around by Pablo Neruda is a very dark play that represents a lot of the different things I have discussed throughout my blog posts. From the very first line, we know that he wants nothing to do with this life. "It so happens I am sick of being a man"(Neruda 1). The play represents a run-down look of a struggling class in society and even takes shots at the Communistic Government. Very similar to the oppression we saw in Persepolis also. He states all the things he doesn't want to say any more. "No more stores, no gardens, no more goods, no spectacles, no elevators"(Neruda 1). These represent all of the man-made things of life. I think he correlates all of these man-made things with oppression. He would rather we take it back to nature and all the natural things that made life simple, which in turn, happiness? Purity and happiness can only be achieved without all of these things. These things represent money, oppression, power, communism, centralization and all things that make our society terrible. To move forward, we have to step back. As ironic as it sound, it makes perfect sense to me.

Me: I know post-pilgrimmage Malcolm will agree with me on this one 
X: Yes, I do. We've become lost in all this materialism, that we have forgotten about the beauty of nature and what makes us truly happy. 
Me: So without this value of materials, the speaker won't be feel like he is in this "hell on earth" 
X: Correct. I'm starting to kind of like you Idris. Kind of.

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