Thursday, October 24, 2013

Veil or No Veil? Response

        Well, Marjane Satrapi makes a claim that Islamists during the Islamic Revolution in Iran made women wear the veil because their shiny hair is too seducing. I know, you might agree with this young, revolutionary Malcolm. This may not be the case. The veil is truly a beautiful thing and carries a beautiful concept with it. With that being said, no woman should be forced to wear anything.
        Even in Islam, women are recommended to wear the veil but should never be forced. When a woman feels she is ready and comfortable to wear one, then it it can be a modest, yet beautiful symbol. If she isn't ready or doesn't want to, she shouldn't be faulted for it. I know older Malcolm would agree with this after he learned about the REAL, peaceful Islam.

Me: What do you think Malcolm? 
X: You want my young thug opinion, my violent activist opinion, or my peaceful civil rights opinion? 
Me: Give me a little bit of everything 
X: Well in my youth, i'd say no veil so i could see all these beautiful women. My violent activist opinion would be for all women to completely cover up!! My peaceful, post pilgrimmage opinion is somewhere in the middle. Women should cover up but it should be their choice! 
Me: Wow, thanks Malcolm 
X: You're still soft Idris 
Me: ): 

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